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Department Information

EKU Social Work Logo with Maroon Letters on White Background

At EKU, you can obtain a:

  • Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)
  • Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)

or sharpen your skills with a:

Maximize the Power of Social Work

The B.S.W. program prepares students to be generalist social workers who work with individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations from a strengths perspective in order to recognize, support, and build upon the innate capabilities of all human beings and furthering the goals of social justice. Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since 1977.

The M.S.W. program prepares students to be interprofessional social work practitioners who can mobilize the power of interprofessional teams for the advancement of social welfare and justice. Students also participate in an interdisciplinary university certificate program that further informs their practice. Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since 2024.

As required by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) standards, the EKU MSW program does not grant social work course credit for life experience or previous work experience.


We offer students:

  • Marketable practicum/internships
  • Interesting community service projects
  • Small class sizes 
  • Cutting-edge social work curriculum
  • In-person, hybrid, and online classes
  • Dynamic professors who bring many years of social work practice, scholarship, board work, and expertise in a wide range of social work fields to the classroom.

EKU Social Work Faculty Spring 2020

For a snapshot, here is a BSW program flyer and MSW program flyer. Please let us know if you need additional information.

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