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BSW Program Admission

If you have been accepted by the University Admissions Office and declare your major as social work you will be classified as a pre-social work major. Admission to pre-social work does not guarantee admission to the B.S.W. program.

Admission to the program is required for progression in the major beginning with SWK 350 and 354. To be admitted students must have earned at least 32 hours of college credit, meet the minimum program GPA requirement of 2.50, complete SWK 210 and other supporting course work with a minimum grade of “C,” and successfully complete application procedures. Students choosing to double-major must declare social work as the first major. For admission requirements and procedures contact the Social Work Program office.


Degree Requirements

For a detailed listing of the classes you need to complete a B.S.W. in Social Work please consult the University Undergraduate catalog at

The Social Work program also offers a minor in Social Welfare and participates in the Public Child Welfare Certification Program.

To apply, you must:

  • must be granted full admission to EKU; 
  • have earned at least 32 hours of college credit;
  • meet a minimum cumulative GPA requirement of 2.50 (Developmental courses will not be included in calculating GPA. For students who have earned more than 45 semester hours, GPA is calculated on the last 45 hours earned. If required support courses and major courses are not included in the last 45 hours, the grades of those courses will be included in calculating the GPA);
  • complete SWK 210, SOC 131, PSY 200, ENG 101, and ENG 102 earning a minimum grade of "C";
  • successfully complete the application procedures.

(Application into the BSW Program DOES NOT guarantee acceptance.)

Admission Procedures

  1. You must be currently enrolled in EKU Social Work courses.  
  2. You must obtain application forms for admission to the BSW Program during the orientation meeting (look for date announced through Blackboard and on the social work web page). All students must go through the orientation before the application is given to them.
  3. Students applying for admission to the BSW Program must submit the following online:
    • Applications
    • Supporting documents:
      • admission paper;
      • two letters of reference;
      • signature forms (reference consent form and NASW Code of Ethics adherence form).
    • Supporting documents for transfer students:
      • photocopy of transfer course transcripts (As credit toward the Social Work major, the BSW Program can only accept social work transfer courses from colleges or universities which have programs accredited by the Council on Social Work Education at the time the courses were taken. Other social work courses may be accepted by the University as elective courses.);
      • photocopy of catalog description of social work or program support courses taken at another college or university;
      • verification of volunteer experience or paraprofessional work experience.
  4. You should be notified of admission status, in writing, by announced date.
  5. Transfer students must submit copies of all transcripts to the EKU Registrar. Transcripts must be received by the Registrar by the application deadline date. Transfer students are required to include with their applications a photocopy of all transferred transcripts as well as a catalog description of all social work and support course requirements taken at another college or university. Transfer students may be required to submit syllabi or class outlines of social work or support courses taken at another college or university.
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